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Price change
Posted by   |  07/12/2021 10:12:11   |   Novosti   |   0 Comments
Price change

My dear, 

we have long resisted price increases, and you know that we have not increased prices for a full 10 years.

Unfortunately, all our suppliers have increased our prices or announced an increase from the new year and we are forced to adapt to new conditions in order to survive in the market.

Raw materials have risen in price by 30-300%, transport boxes by 120% - 300%, packaging by 30-100%, courier service by 8% with the introduction of additional shipping fees.

I do not want to tacitly raise prices without first informing you openly. 

I do not want to be quiet because we still have a much deeper relationship than the usual seller-buyer.

As we are a small company, the increase in the price of all products will not happen in one day and overnight.

All prices will be finally corrected gradually by the end of the year, and the price of postage from the new year when the price increase by courier services takes effect.

What I can certainly promise you is that the moment the market stabilizes again and returns to the old, we will proportionally return the prices to the old!

Thank you for your understanding!

With love,

Mala od lavande

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